Dunbarton Town Hall Restoration
The Heart of Dunbarton
Originating largely as a gift from Dunbarton resident Charles Chase, the present Town Hall was built in 1909 after a fire destroyed the previous structure. As the earlier building had been before it, the new Town Hall quickly became a center for performance and public events. Not surprisingly, many current town residents have cherished childhood memories of the space above our library.

Decades of Decline
While many residents can still remember performing or participating in town functions in the upper floor of the Town Hall, 30 years have passed since the last Town Meeting could be held in the space due to changes in the building code. Subsequent construction of additional town buildings took public funds and focus away, leading to the second floor's gradual decline. Now, noncompliance with building codes and the Americans with Disabilities Act prevents use of the space. Town Meeting is currently held in the school gymnasium, which is otherwise generally unavailable for public events during the school year.
Bringing it Back
Turning Interest Into Action
Inspired by successful restoration efforts in communities just like ours, and feeling the void from the lack of indoor space, we're coming together to educate, advocate, and fundraise for our beloved building. With a concerted effort, we can restore the Town Hall to its place as the public heart of Dunbarton.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead
You, too, can be a part of this change, beginning with the basic building block, community.